Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beware of FACEBOOK Hackers

Good morning Tanzania! This is your girl, Angella

It's always wonderful to wake up to a day full of potential, hope and great opportunities. A new day promises a chance to make reality out of the dreams you have beforehand. As we all know challenges are sure to come in forms of opposition, discouragement and even false accusations. It’s true that we all differ in ways to handle these challenges.
We could chose to hide run cry or give-up...those options seem to present themselves first for some reason. I’m here to tell you don't take that road we should opt to confront the problem but with wisdom and poise. Now I am aware that there have been some recent concerns about my face book profile. And I’m here to clarify that I only have 1 face book profile, by the name of Angella Lubala and 1 fan page by the name of Angella Lubala anything else is not mine.

But recently my profile had been intercepted by two individuals by the name of Francis Mongi and Alex Masalu. During that time they had been providing false information to my fans, friends, and family in attempt to ruin my name. These two young men hacked into my yahoo account and because I had the same password for my face book it was then easy for them to tamper with my face book account.

Then they started writing lies on innocent people’s walls while impersonating me. There have been names mentioned of very influential people that I have great respect for who also were unfortunately linked to this imaginative story about me.

I, Angella Lubala assure you that this issue was given priority and all has been accurately handled. This is also the time I would like to bring awareness to all face book participants please let my experience be a free lesson learned for you.

Because hacking into people’s account is a recent havoc anyone can be a victim! Be very discreet about your passwords and make sure that your face book and host email account do not share the same password. I appreciate you all for your encouragement love and support. So my beautiful fans, the wonderful media, my loving family, and my gracious friends know that you are not forgotten...you have all watched me grow into the great expectations you have of me, thank you for believing in me and I promise to keep you proud.

I am currently increasing my education ,abroad, in political science .fortunately I was able to be elected president of African student association at my university I am doing my best to represent my country respectively. I am officially representing Tanzania in the Miss Africa USA 2010 pageant finalists.

My platform is called brighter education and if you would like better information or feel like participant you are greatly welcomed to visit www.missafricausa.com and vote for me or visit my fan page on face book for more details or my website www.angellalubala.com .I love you all my fellow Tanzanians and together is the only way to make a difference.

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